Use Participation in Software Development

User participation in the development of products and services is generally regarded as one of the key factors for sustainable development. In recent decades, user participation in software development has improved significantly. During software development, users are typically involved in the early stages of development, in requirements analysis and evaluation.
Despite this improvement, however, there are still many development phases in which users are not involved due to cost and time constraints, which in many cases leads to limited usability and acceptance of the developed products.
Since it is often already difficult to include users without impairments in all phases of the software development cycle, the question arises how user participation is realized in projects in which software products are developed for people with impairments.
In the workshop described here, approaches and procedures for user participation of people with different impairments from various research projects, currently funded by the EU, will be presented and discussed.


Please contact: Susanne Dirks <>