Instructions for authors of accepted abstracts

If your abstract has been accepted for the AAATE 2019 Conference, it will be included in the Conference Proceedings in the format of abstract – no full text required!

Conference Proceedings will be published in a Supplementary Issue of the journal Technology and Disability. The Supplementary Issue will receive a unique DOI. See the Letter from the AAATE President for further information.

Instructions to build your camera-ready abstract and register to the Conference

To avoid additional work for everybody, it is very important that you follow these simple instructions while building your camera-ready abstract:

(1) Read carefully the Reviewer(s) comments. You can find the comments here:

(2) Change your abstract according to the Reviewers’ suggestions and build your camera-ready abstract using the Conference template available here:

(3) When preparing your camera-ready abstract using the Conference template, please respect the indications:

  • Title: do not exceed 25 words; do not change size & font.
  • Authors and Affiliations: follow the indications on the template. Please indicate the corresponding Author with an asterisks (*). Do not change size & font.
  • Abstract: Use the sections indicated in bold (Background; Method; Key results; Conclusion). Do not exceed 500 words. Abstracts exceeding the word-limit will be sent back to Authors.
  • Keywords: indicate 3-5 keywords.
  • Rapid abstract: summarize your study in no more than 280 characters. This will be used for the Programme.

(4) Finally, to upload your camera-ready abstract log into:

You will be required to upload both the MS Word and the .pdf versions of the abstract.

Abstracts not adhering to the template will be sent back to Authors.

Do not hesitate to contact [email protected] for any questions.