Special thematic sessions
Proposing a Special Thematic Session
A Special Thematic Session (STS) includes a set of individual contributions (minimum 4, maximum 8) focusing on a specific topic or centred around the work of a national or international project. STSs are aimed at providing highly relevant discussions on innovative or emerging topics in the AT field.
Proposers of a STS should contact Katerina Mavrou () explaining in the provided template the following:
- The topic of the STS and its importance for the AT field
- A list of contributing authors with titles
The template to propose a STS can be downloaded here
The deadline for Special Thematic Sessions proposals is February 18, 2019
“Calls for contributions” to Proposed Special Thematic Sessions can be announced via the conference website. Please contact Katerina Mavrou (see above).
Submitting individual contributions to a STS
After an STS proposal has been accepted, it will be possible to submit the individual contributions.
Individual contributions to a STS are proposed in the form of abstract [plain text only, 500 word limit*]. The abstract template can be found here
Individual contributions have to be submitted following the standard procedure: https://conference2019.aaate.net/
Each contribution will be blind-reviewed following the same review process as the individual scientific contributions. While submitting the contribution, make sure to indicate the right STS on the abstract template.
*The 500 word limit does not include the Tweetable abstract.
After STS individual contributions have been accepted
STS proposers will chair the Sessions. The Conference registration fee is not waived for STS speakers and chairs. It is requested that speakers whose contribution has been accepted for an STS will be present at the STS and deliver the presentation.
Accepted abstracts will receive a DOI and will be published in the format of abstracts (no full text required!) in a Supplementary Issue of the journal Technology and Disability.
Authors of accepted abstracts will be also invited to submit their research as a full-paper to the journal Technology and Disability.